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Hopsdirect - NZ Pacifica

Hopsdirect - NZ Pacifica

Regular price ₱423.00
Regular price Sale price ₱423.00
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Dual Purpose Variety with an orange, citrus marmalade aroma

A triploid aroma type developed through by New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research. Pacifica™ Brand 77-01 was bred through the open pollination of the highly regarded Hallertauer Mittlefru¨h variety. Pacifica™ was released on completion of successful brewing trials in 1994.

Pacifica™ displays classic Hallertau citrus and floral aroma character which selectors mark as a real standout. The aroma is supported by a generous oils profile making selection possible for several beer styles from this stylish hop.

Pacifica™ brings something of a blend of new and old-world taste descriptors to the brewers' forum. Orange marmalade aptly describes the citrus aroma notes achieved through late addition. Bittering quality is such that early kettle additions net a soft yet solid finish even in highly bittered beers.

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